Raw petroleum coke (RPC) is a hard and penetrative carbon material obtained from the lowest part of oil towers. This material has properties such as heat and chemical resistance, high hardness, and no decomposition at high temperatures.

Process of conversion to calcined petroleum coke:

To produce calcined petroleum coke (CPC), first, the raw petroleum coke is crushed and then placed in a rotary kiln using gases such as methane and natural gas at very high temperatures (up to 1200 degrees Celsius) and under high pressure for about 36 to 72 hours. In this process, steam is also used to break down the oxides present in raw petroleum coke.


This process causes changes in the properties of raw petroleum coke and converts it into calcined petroleum coke (CPC). Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) has improved properties compared to raw petroleum coke, including higher hardness and corrosion resistance, as well as other practical properties.

In addition to the aluminum industry, calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is also used in other industries, including steel, blacksmithing, chemical, and detergent industries.